Northern Branch
Northern Branch information
President - Thomas Remfrey
Chairman - Russell Doherty
Vice Chairman -
Secretary/Poppy appeal organiser - Kevin O’Kane
[email protected]
07781 108651
Treasurer - Daniel James
Membership Secretary -
Northern Branch
Royal British Legion
La Route du Picquerel
01481 247479
Branch meeting - Quarterly March, June, September, December (AGM)
Club office members
President - Ted McDonough
Chairman - John De Carteret
Treasurer- Tracey Allen
Secretary- Tom Brock
The Northern Branch was formed in 1946 and started life as a Nissan hut but whist drives and later bingo clubs, evolved into the large and most successful Branch and Club in Guernsey.
The Branch Hall hosts several bingo clubs and is open every evening, except Mondays. There is also a Saturday afternoon bingo club and a charity bingo session o the last Sunday of each month
Regular events are held in the club and the Friday night and Sunday lunchtime meat draws are particularly popular. There are also 2 Open the box” draws on Sunday lunchtimes.
Club/Bar opening times
Mon-Fri 4:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 noon – 11:00pm
Sunday 12:00 – 2.30pm and 6pm – 11pm
Club activities
Bingo clubs – branch hall
Tuesday & Saturday – Marie Le Prevost – 07781 406775
Wednesday – Maureen Lowe – 07911 728178
Friday – Merle Gallienne 01481 726289
Section Links
Branch Contacts
Northern Branch -
Royal British Legion
La Route du Picquerel